Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

Package Description
A core library that is used to support igloo15.Serilog.Microsoft.Logging.Console and igloo15.Serilog.Microsoft.Logging.File packages
The collection of AspNetCore functionality for logging with Azure Appinsight and Azure Log Analyzer.
Easify logging support for Serilog and Seq
Easify logging support for Serilog and Loggly
Easify logging support for Serilog and LogEntries
Easify Logging support for Serilog
Easify Logging base component to support logging standards
Serilog logger implementation for Simple Logging .NET and .NET Core.
NetModular logging with serilog
Package Description
Macross Software logging abstractions library. Provides base types for the Macross logging framework. Commonly Used Types: Macross.Logging.LoggerJsonMessage Macross.Logging.LoggerJsonMessageException Commonly Used Extensions: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogge...
Provides integration of Kephas.Logging with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging components. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IAmbientServices.ConfigureExtensionsLogging(). Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructur...
Enables automatic logging of SQL commands.
NLog integration with MassiveJobs library
NLog integration with MassiveJobs library
Log4Net integration with MassiveJobs library
Package Description