Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass of EventSource, This add-on packages adds support to persisting log entries into rolling text files and simple text files. This library contains a class library that targets .Net Core 2.0 ...
A logging adaptor library
log4net logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Plisky Diagnostics Library - featuring Bilge, offering comprehensive trace and error handling facilities to applications. See this link for documentation and help.
The ConfigurEngine.Logging package provides a simple extension method to simplify ASP.NET Core's default logging infrastructure.
The ConfigurEngine package provides a handful of simple extension methods to improve ASP.NET Core's default configuration infrastructure.
Traceyi is an asynchronous logging library
Adds additional logging capabilities to the System.Console
This library helps with logging tasks.
Simple logging and enhancements for existing logging frameworks.
Serialize/deserialize log entries with MessagePack. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
Provides ASP.NET Core middleware and other extensions for request and/response logging.
Logging for Caliburn.Micro.NLog (NET451)
Logging for Caliburn.Micro (PCL)
Traditional simple text base logging frameworks lack what your application can easily emit in providing you better insight into the health of your application. Wouldn’t it be great to easily instrument incredible rich details? Well, look no further. ReflectInsight was designed to easily let your app...
The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass of EventSource, This add-on packages adds support to persisting log entries in Azure table storage.
Tool for install NLog configuration
MainBrain logging utils provide an easy to accessible interface to microsofts ETW trace sources.
Serilog Logging extension for Ninject
Flexberry Logging package.