Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

Serilog event sink that writes to NLog. Merge your new Serilog event stream into your existing NLog infrastructure.
Log4net Logging extension for Ninject
Writes MySqlConnector logging output to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging with one line of code.
Core library for .NET client support for Logentries.
Rolling file trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Writes to a text file, rolling to a new file based on a filename template (usually including the date). Other Essential.Diagnostics packages extend the .NET Framework System.Diagnostics trace lo...
Colored console trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Writes to the console output or error stream, using color to highlight event types and allowing a customised output format. Other Essential.Diagnostics packages extend the .NET Framework Syst...
Serilog extension to enable logging through serilog for Microsoft Azure WebJobs.
The Logging Application Block simplifies logging to various destinations (file, database, event log, MSMQ etc.) and tracing.
The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations (sinks) to persist application events published using a subclass of the EventSource class from the System.Diagnostics.Tracing namespace. Sinks include Azure table storage, SQL Server databases, file, console and rolling files with...
Extensions to register RockLib.Logging with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. This package was built from the source code at
Exception Processor utilizing Microsoft.Extensions.Logging for logging
A simple multi-process file-logger that use a Queue and has simple syntax.
Logs and reports log messages that have not been handled during UnitTests.
Enriches Serilog events with information from logger properties that was enriched earlier.
.Net Standard common logging abstractions to make logging calls asynchronous in an application. The abstration allows for any logging library (Log4Net and etc) to be used as the library abstractions will "spool" the log entries.
The package defines logging extensions used by other CodeGator packages. Platforms supported: .NET 6.x or above
JsonConsole logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
A zero latency, thread-safe logger that writes to files and / or a database.
Giraffe plugin to use Serilog as the logger for your application