Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

A simple structured logging library. Log entries currently contain timestamp, calling file, message string, and verbosity.
Contains common supporting code for .NET applications.
Contains tests utilities: Classes: - TempDirectory Utilities: - ResourcesUtilities Extensions: - LoggingExtensions - object.WithEventLogging()
Logger for writing structured events into file.
Biblioteca de itens comuns para logs de aplicação para projetos corporativos da FACode
Wraps Serilog by an abstract Logger class where debug logging is not compiled into your code when using the provided Logger class. It also integrates direct logging to Microsoft App Center which can be configured at runtime.
Serilog sink that writes to MySQL database. 在项目基础上,对数据库字段做了如下修改: 1. Timestamp字段类型从原来的varchar改为datetime; 2. Template字段改为MessageTemplate
LoggerSharp is a light logging library which allows the creation of custom verbose loggers and log files.
This exception handler lets you log formatted exception information in locations specified in the configuration file.
A log4net adaptor for Chronicle
A Microsoft.Extensions.Logging adaptor for Chronicle
Timing extensions for Chronicle
Serilog Sink for the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging Logger
A Serilog event sink that writes to Microsoft Teams
Based on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug for Logging to MsSql Db using Raw Sql and Stored Procedures. for fast logging. Elmah for Core
ELMAH error logger for sending errors to from web frameworks built on ASP.NET (like MVC and Web API). This package does not include any ELMAH configuration. Please install one of the specialized NuGet packages like Elmah.Io.Mvc, Elmah.Io.WebApi etc.