Top 20 NuGet Linq Packages

Tests for netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpClientQuery
Traverse an enumerable tree, depth or breadth first. Example: var dirs = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\") .Traverse(TraverseKind.BreadthFirst, dir => dir.EnumerateDirectories());
xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Traverse
Reactive LINQ extensions supplementary to Microsoft's Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx).
Reactive LINQ extensions supplementary to Microsoft's Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx - Experimental).
The ScipBe.Common.Office namespace contains 3 classes: ExcelProvider (LINQ to Excel), OutlookProvider (LINQ to Outlook) and OneNoteProvider (LINQ to OneNote). The ExcelProvider loads an Excel worksheet or CSV file and provides column definition and row collections. The OutlookProvider is a wrapper c...
Linq to Xml Extensions for Enumerations
XUnit tests for adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.ExtensionsForEnums
Linq to Xml Extensions for Guids
XUnit tests for adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.ExtensionsForGuids
Business Logic Toolkit Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Provides a fluent interface on top of the 10gen driver including Linq.
ASP.NET MVC extensions for Linq2Rest to support binding a Linq2Rest ModelFilter using a ModelBinder. Use ModelFilterBinder as default model binder for IModelFilter{T}.
C# Linq extension with given error messages
This is a library providing you with a means to use the OrderBy method from Linq but use a Method or Expression in the class responsible for sorting instead of the instance that's being sorted. For more information see:
The OneNoteProvider provides collections of Notebooks, Sections and Pages by parsing the XML hierarchy tree of OneNote.
The OutlookProvider is a wrapper class which provides collections to data of Outlook (AppointmentItems, ContactItems, MailItems, TaskItems, ...). The OutlookProvider exposes collections of classes of the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook assembly so you have full access to all properties and it also ...
A library to consume MIM resources using LINQ
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for XamarinForms.