Top 20 NuGet Linq Packages

Basic .NET utilities.
Package Description
This project is a PCL port of MoreLINQ that enhances LINQ to Objects with the following methods: Acquire, AssertCount, Batch, Concat, Consume, DistinctBy, EquiZip, ExceptBy, Fold, ForEach, Generate, GenerateByIndex, GroupAdjacent, Index, MaxBy, MinBy, OrderedMerge, Pad, Pairwise, PartialSort, Partia...
CqlSharp.Linq contains a Linq-to-Cql provider for use with the Apache Cassandra database. Main features are: * Translation of Linq queries to CQL select statements. * All CQL functions are supported, as well as tokens and the allow filtering clause. * Consistency and Paging ...
Linq extensions for ordered sequences. They have better perfomance in comparison to standard extensions. They don't enumerate entire sequences into HashSet<T> or lookup. With these you can lazily handle very large or even infinite sequences as long as they're ordered. Concat, Distinct, Except, Group...
Roslinq is a Roslyn based component that enables queries over C# source code
jSon based data storage with LINQ to Object interface.
Linq Extension Methods and helpers
Provides Linq extensions for 2D .NET arrays.
PLinq extensions for dynamic data. This is the recommended Dynamic Data package when targetting net 4.5 or above
Deprecated as there's new maintainer for original HAP project. Please check the new repo at This is a port of HtmlAgilityPack library created by Simon Mourrier and Jeff Klawiter for .NET Core platform. This NuGet package supports can be used with Un...
.NET Extensions and helpers for Core and Common .NET types
Genesis.Join is a simple library that adds a Join extension method to IEnumerable<string>.
AntData.ORM For Mysql Provider
A library for managing the lifetime of Entity Framework Core DbContext instances. This package is based on the original DbContextScope repository by Mehdi El Gueddari, updated for .NET 6+ and EF Core, with a number of additional improvements and bug fixes.
Library of partially applied .NET utility and primitive functions that helps reduce the need for writing out simple lambdas.
.NET and Mono framework with support for Postgres and Oracle
Nequeo data linq to DataSet component
Nequeo data linq to Edm component
Nequeo data linq component