Top 20 NuGet Linq Packages

UltimateOrb Core Libraries.
Extensions for method chaining Task<IEnumerable<T>>. Directly map to synchronous System.Linq methods.
Easily construct lambda expressions dynamically. Turn models into database queries, using a simple fluent implementation.
Some usefull extensions methods
This is an agile HTML parser that builds a read/write DOM and supports plain XPATH or XSLT (you actually don't HAVE to understand XPATH nor XSLT to use it, don't worry...). It is a .NET code library that allows you to parse "out of the web" HTML files. The parser is very tolerant with "real world" m...
.Net library for clever processing of requests from jQuery plugin on the server side (ASP.NET, Nancy or any other web server). It dynamically builds an expression tree from the request and allows to filter and sort an IQueryable according to the request parameters.
ProjectTo allows you to auto map ORM entity classes to your own classes in LINQ queries.
Provides you the ability to query, update and delete javaScript arrays using SQL like syntaxes and LINQ like expressions. Version 1.2+ provides a plug-in architecture to add your own functions. Version 1.2+ now requires the "new" keyword when creating a jinqJs() instance. Version 1.3+ supports Node....
LinqExpressionsMapper is LINQ extensions library for EntityFramework and other .NET LINQ ORMs. More info at
C# source implementation that enhances LINQ to Objects with the method ExceptBy. Returns the set of elements in the first sequence which aren't in the second sequence, according to a given key selector.
LINQ to JavaScript (JSLINQ) is an implementation of LINQ to Objects for JavaScript. It is simple to use and gives much needed power and flexibility to performing LINQ style queries agains traditional JavaScript Arrays. If you are using an Array, you can use LINQ to JavaScript to step up your game.
PredicateExtensions is a C# utility that will take two Lambda expressions and combine them using .And or .Or extension methods. Expressions be joined at runtime for dynamic LINQ queries. PredicateExtensions can be used with EntityFramework to refactor and create dynamic queries.
Linq provider for Windows management objects
Extension methods for IEnumerable<T>, including ForEach(), Apply() operators, Around(), Mask(), SkipLast(), TakeLast(), TakeWhileAndNext(), FirstOrEmpty(), Permutations(), Interleave() operators, NotOf() (type-removing) operators and more.
A light weight data access library for storing entities with support for unit of work.
With Visual Studio's multi-targeting and LINQBridge, you can write LINQ to Objects (local) queries using the full power of the C# 3.0 compiler and yet create programs that require only Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. LINQBridge is a re-implementation of all the standard query operators introduced with...
C# source implementation that enhances LINQ to Objects with the method ToDataTable. Appends elements in the sequence as rows of a given object with a set of lambda expressions specifying which members (property or field) of each element in the sequence will supply the column values.
OLinq is a project to provide a Linq Queryable provider implementation for operating on ObservableCollections or other INotifyCollectionChanged supporting lists. The output of OLinq is an ObservableView which notifies when the results of the query have changed.
Marr DataMapper is a Linq enabled Micro-ORM that allows you to project views into complex object graphs. Contributors: Rick Schott, vitidev, Keivan Beigi, Mark McDowall
An evolution of the dynamic linq library based on C# 4 dynamic.