Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

To be set
If you use constructor injection with Unity this utility will automatically inject mocks through the constructor of a given object, managing them in a container for later access (if required).
Castle windsor utils
Traverse DependencyObjects properties up the logical and visual tree
FluentMigrator package for ASP.NET Boilerplate
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
Inversion of Control Abstraction
Fluent validation extension for Ninject.Web.Mvc
Tool to auto-generate BCL package nuspec dependencies for CoreCLR projects
Hyperbolic Solutions simple IoC framework
Injection List and object
Reactive Extensions for Unity. This is .NET 3.5 subset of UniRx.
De agent voor de servicebus
A very simple IoC container, easily embeddable also as a source code. You can make it even more simpler by defining the BODI_DISABLECONFIGFILESUPPORT compilation symbol in your project.
Ninject Dependency Injection Provider for DD4T
Unity Dependency Injection Provider for DD4T
A collection of reusable abstractions for .NET application developer: caching, IoC, pagination, repository, application services, unit of work, background processing, exception trace policy, work item, etc.
Lightweight IoC container