Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

XML-configurable inversion of control contrainer
This package will add the reference to MEF with the Copy Local flag set to false.
This package is Portable Library Project (Windows phone 8.1, Windows 8.1, Universal App, .NET Framework 4.5.1). It contains ObservableCommon class for NotifyPropertyChanged and other helper class
CleanIoc is a dependency injection framework that aims for simplicity and clean code.
The di4js module is dependency injection implementation in JavaScript. Dependency injection is a software design pattern that allows the removal of hard-coded dependencies and makes it possible to change them. di4js is free software distributed under the terms of MIT License (MIT) and can be used wi...
Dependancy Injection
A library that I use to provide dependency resolution for MVC4 sites. Uses StructureMap.
An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection for SignalR applications. See LightInject.SignalR for the source distribution.
Castle ZeroMQ Bindings - More info at
Facilitatates DI, IoC, Event Aggregation, and provides tools for Meta Developers, such as Reflection Extension Methods and Attribute Interpretation Services.
Allows to create yEd diagrams automatically from Ninject features built with Ninject.Features.
This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, simply add the packages for the containers you wish to support.
IOC'ish IOC..
InjectionMap.Configuration is a small extension to InjectionMap for defining mappings in the application configuration file.
A web extension library for the Hiro IOC container framework.
An MSBuild task extension library for the Hiro IOC container framework.
An MVC4 web extension library for the Hiro IOC container framework.
Una libreria de soporte para el desarrollo web, basandose en entity framework y Castle Core
Simple IoC container for singletons