Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Package that allows MVC routes to be created via attributes, both at the controller and action levels (uses Windsor Castle IoC). Also includes an embedded view engine adapted from an example found at
Package that allows MVC routes to be created via attributes, both at the controller and action levels using the Unity IoC framework. Also includes an embedded view engine adapted from an example found at
Package that allows services to be automatically loaded with standardized endpoints. The premise is that the services you wish to host will be hosted within WAS/IIS and can be activated via HTTP, TCP, MSMQ or WebHTTP (REST). This version uses Windsor Castle for IoC.
Package that allows services to be automatically loaded with standardized endpoints. The premise is that the services you wish to host will be hosted within WAS/IIS and can be activated via HTTP, TCP, MSMQ or WebHTTP (REST).
Provides base utilities and attributes for use with ODN's ServoInject and MvcUtilities. This package also includes the base documentation for the aforementioned utilities.
Simple factory with fluent interface: thin, easy, testable. Use 'Get.The.Service' syntax for your common services in solution, delivered by IoC container.
The Lifetime Scoping package adds an advanced new lifestyle called 'Lifetime Scope', which allows instances to live within an explicitly defined thread-specific scope and get disposed when this scope ends.
Unity 2.1 custom extensions which enable to pull Lazy<T> and IEnumerable<Lazy<T>> from the container.
Xaml based configuaration for the Enterprise Library Unity Application Block. Works both for the server and the client.
Simple Dependency Container
This package adds support for Ninject to the Prism library for Windows Phone 7.1 RC.
Prism libraries including Unity Extensions built against Unity 2.1
PhoneCore Framework is a framework which helps you to build applications on Windows Phone 7. It provides: navigation engine, DI container, aspect-oriented programming support, reach configuration subsystem, tracing engine, custom plugin manager, primitive types, MVVM Fwk features.
Petite Container is a very simple and light-weight dependency injection container. It is distributed as source-code only and contains just a single file.
Deleporter Core (use Deleporter.Server/Deleporter.Client for easy setup) - Simple Cross Process Stubbing. Deleporter is a lightweight .NET library that teleports arbitrary delegates into an ASP.NET application in some other process (e.g. hosted in IIS) and runs them there. One use case is stubbing ...
Common Service Manager is an abstration over locating and configuring services.
Service Helpers simplifies using WCF in a service oriented software system. Service Helpers makes working with WCF as easy as using any dependency injection framework.
Lightweight classes that help to encapsulate data access calls
Blend of IOC, DI, and Factory Pattern
The EntLibContrib Autofac Configurator is an implementation of the IContainerConfigurator interface that allows to use Autofac as the DI container in EntLib.