Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

A package to aid in implementing dependency injection in a simplified and performant way
A package to aid in implementing dependency injection in a simplified and performant way
Fork of Castle.Facilities.SolrNetIntegration and changes the SolrNetFacility to use PostSolrConnection instead of the SolrConnection.
A lightweight, feature-rich IoC framework.
Provides an integration that enables LightInject to be used as the IoC container in the Nancy web framework.
A convention that will resolve classes with names ending in "Settings" using Its.Configuration.
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions.
Core of the Saitama IoC injection framework
dependency chain tracking implement
An elegant, Ninject-specific solution to an old problem: caching.
This is Ioc using Unity of Microsoft. You can register type Unit Of Work, Repository, Service with simple methor is RegisterType Attribute.
Abstractions for MR.AttributeDI.
Package Description
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Abstractions library related to the XServiceBuilderLibrary (a c# service builder class library for a quicker way to add custom service collections)
A c# service builder class library for a quicker way to add custom service collections