Top 20 NuGet Dapper Packages

Implementation of EasyDapper for Microsoft SQL Server
A Dapper implementation for Panama, the command architecture for .Net developed by Diran Ogunlana
Extension Dapper package at Integrum group companies
Simple CRUD operations for Dapper.
Simple wrapper with its factory for working with PostgreSQL database connections by Dapper and Npgsql
Simple wrapper with its factory for working with MS SQL Server database connections by Dapper
Simple wrapper with its factory for working with SQLite database connections by Dapper
Provides multiple methods to integrate QueryBuilders.NET with the Dapper micro-orm
An AES encryption module for the Nyan data service stack
A UDP Log module for the Nyan data service stack
A memory cache module for the Nyan data service stack
This library provides a template for discovering your database model into a series of classes which build the sql needed for reads and writes dynamically. Instead of libraries which only provide fixed / hard coded SQL, this library attempts to provide parameterized sql generation on the fly. Allowin...
The CastleWindsor Container for the Dapper.Extensions.Linq.
The part of a micro-ORM that maps POCOs to database tables.
Base classes to implement Repository pattern using Dapper as ORM
Dapper + QueryObject pattern, MiniProfiler support included
Dapper is a Stack Overflow ORM Framewrok , now I supported to Migrations for PgSQL,MSSQL,MySQL and by default SQLlite.
Raf is .net farmework rapid development framework