Top 20 NuGet Dapper Packages

DataBse.DapperForSqlServer is a class library tool that connects to SqlServer database by using Dapper driver
DataBse.DapperForMySql is a class library tool that connects to MySql database by using Dapper driver
Dapper custom type handlers to serialize/deserialize objects to Xml and Json.
FluentDbTools provides a fluent SQL abstraction layer for creating database connections, building sql queries and migrating your database.
Save and update objects to a database using expressions.
Extension set for dapper simplifies query creation
A simple functional wrapper to make Dapper easier to use in F#
根据SQL自动构建动态WebAPI。 官方网址: 开源库地址: 博客地址: 交流QQ群:85318032
CRUD Extension Methods for Dapper.
SqlClient easy parser to object with nested complex object for .NET Core.
HKH.DataProvider with dapper intergated
Fast bulk insert extensions for Dapper.
HEF Repository Component implement by Dapper
DapperExtions based on [Galaxy.Libra.DapperExtensions](, to avoid name confict , I rename it to Snowing.DapperExtensions