Top 20 NuGet Packages

OWIN/Katana Middleware to enforce SSL / https using configurable port and httpstatuscode using http redirect
Azure Functions bindings to abstract away Redis boilerpate
This is a project template for Redis Cluster + Docker + .Net Core 3.1 API, using `dotnet new -i Superwalnut.RedisClusterTemplate` to install project as a template, And using `dotnet new redis-dotnet-core` to create a project with the template.
RedisCacheService: simple wrapper on StackExchange.Redis, that can help you to create, read, check existing, and delete data at JSON format with own serialization (based on Newtonsoft.Json).
Redis HTTP Actuator support.
Redis HTTP Actuator support.
A implementation of .NET's ObjectCache for Redis. Uses StackExchange.Redis. Works with Azure Redis Cache.
Custom Serilog sink to push log messages to a Redis Stream
Implementation of a queue / worker pattern backed by Redis Features include: Retries when handling work causes uncaught exceptions Handles work concurrently using the ThreadPool Saves completed work into an audit hash Requeues work dropped by a crashed or discon...
Silverlight client for connecting to Redis
Easily spin up Redis instances for integration tests in .NET
Redisc Autocomplet using C#
Auto Complete Api using Redis
Redis key value store as a simple messaging BUS in .NET, includes Pub/Sub (Broadcast) and Request/Response patterns support.
Simple library to Using Redis Cache In .NET Core Projects
RedisCacheClient is a compatible ObjectCache client for .NET Standard
Cached client for redis based on StackExchange.Redis
Handy client and Lua script combo for storing per-entity logs in Redis
redis nosql database library