Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Encapsulation of MongoDB using Entity Framework Pattern operations. Use context management operation, use data warehouse to manage operation document.
《Pursue series》 unit of work extension. Extension for microsoft.entityframeworkcore.
Simple Push Notification class library to send notifications to Android and iOS Find configuration information at
Push.Net is a stand-alone way to interact and send tasks in cooperation with PushLang, an AutoHotKey alternative running off of Push.Net. Read up on the documation of PushLang at "".
Unofficial .NET Client Library for PushBots
Fork of Pusher.NET for Universal Windows Apps
.NET implementation of Pusher. When installing this package, you will have to provide a connection method. For now we only provide a built-in connection method for Windows Store apps and .NET 4.5, new up a Pusher.Connections.WindowsStore.WebsocketConnectionFactory or Pusher.Connections.Net.Websocke...
Pushman websockets event server API wrapper and shim client
.NET Standard Wrapper for the Pushover API.
Internal use.
PushSharp, but with Firebase, not GSM
A C# implementation of libpuzzle (an image fingerprinting algorithm)
PVC plugin for Amazon S3
Ms Sql implementation of MethodResultWrapper ILoggerService. Persists logs into a MsSql table.
Check if a password(string) is compromised using the API
Package Description