Top 20 NuGet Packages

1.2.0: 重构日志功能,支持自定义日志输出 1.2.1: 修复HttpClient默认超时错误的问题 1.3.0: 优化初始化时不能连接上metaserver的等待时间 1.3.1: 修复QueryString连接错误 1.4.0: 修复issure #18、添加SourceLink、更新包 1.5.0: 使用.ConfigureAwait(false)替代AsyncHelper来解决同步调用异步方法出现的死锁问题 1.5.1: 添加MultiConfig,支持合并多个IConfig 1.5.2: Apollo内部HttpClient允许使用自定义HttpMessageHandler,比如...
QManagerOracle é uma biblioteca para automação das aplicação SQLPlus e SQLLdr do cliente Oracle.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
One package to get the best of both worlds, integration between QnA Maker and Adaptive Cards
.NET SDK for QnAMaker APIs
QnAMakerDialog for the Microsoft Bot Framework is a dialog that allows you to integrate the QnA Maker Service with a bot built on the Bot Framework. This dialog will take messages receieved to a bot and send them to a QnA Maker service (updated for v3 API) and return one or more answers. If no answe...
QNA MAker Library for eveyone out there
C# library to allow you to sync QnA items to the Microsoft QnA Maker service from anywhere. Implemented for v3 of the QnA Maker Service, the library allows you to build up a list of QnAItems (for example you might have existing FAQ pages in your CMS or in a CRM system) and sync them with the QnA Ma...
Package Description
Qowaiv implements common, universal domain objects. These types form the base of your domain model.
Qowaiv implements common, universal domain objects. These types form the base of your domain model.
Qowaiv implements common, universal domain objects. These types form the base of your domain model.
Qowaiv implements common, universal domain objects. These types form the base of your domain model.
Qowaiv implements common, universal domain objects. These types form the base of your domain model.