Top 20 NuGet Packages

A simple library for getting the public holidays for a country/language
An unofficial async/await PubNub API client. This is my attempt to improve upon the client provided by PubNub.
Presence extensions for PubNub.Async
Push notification extensions for PubNub.Async
Pubpiler is a tool that can generate proto type messages and gRPC services to different languages, by simple configuration/class.
Temporary upload until pull request has been published
Extension for including Microsoft.Extension.Configuration in the Puffix IoC library.
Pug CSV Data Processing Library
Extension methods for the Pulse embroidery SDK (PulseEmbCom). Requires PulseEmbCom version or later.
Pulseway SDK for application monitoring.
A simple and extensible structured logging library built for modern applications.
ASP.NET WebForms and MVC integration for Pulsus logging library in .NET 4. This registers the ErrorLoggingModule in the ASP.NET pipeline by using DynamicModuleUtility.RegisterModule(typeof(ErrorLoggingModule)).
Additional constants for creating and configuring Microsoft Azure resources with Pulumi.Azure
Additional extensions for Microsoft Azure resources with Pulumi.Azure
F# computational expressions to reduce boilerplate in Pulumi code
A Pulumi package for creating and managing rke cloud resources.