Top 20 NuGet Packages

Common development primitives and useful tools
Common development primitives foo WPF
Psen provides convention-based and out-of-the-box builds, tests, installations and deployments for .NET projects. Find more details in readme file on github and an example in the folder packages\psen.\tools\examples.
Simple pseudo-internationalization utility library: allows you to convert any latin alphabet string to a pseudo-language in order to test whether your application is localization-ready. The pseudo-strings respect links, tags, and other markup. A command-line utility that converts resource files is a...
Small .NET Standard Pseudol10n library.
Icon Resource Extractor/Packer for Photoshop
Common components for building a web based platform.
Library for managing ISO 2709 files
Defines base types for persisting PskOnline method data.
.Net Client Code for PskOnline X20 USB 2.0 PPG Waveform Sensor
Contains a library that implements Psns.Common.Persistence.Definitions with Entity Framework
Contains an implementation of Microsoft Enterprise Library Caching Block, BackingStore that uses the file system as storage
Contains interfaces that define persistence-specific functionality
Adapters that enable decoupling of existing System.Web components.
A simple logging library.
Contains files needed to configure Ninject dependency injection for an Mvc 4 project
The base UI theme for PSNS Mvc Applications
A library that provides classes to simply IPC (inter process communication)
Logic to perform Particle Swarm Optimizer tasks.