Top 20 NuGet Packages

Official parsing library for "Qberry Open Protocol".
Package Description
Http Client for the qBittorrent Web Api using System.Net.Http
QCloud API Helper For .NET Core
腾讯云IM服务端Sdk .NetCore实现
These components aim to provide the same components that are available in Semantic UI React, but for the new Blazor framework
Unit of Work pattern implementation
NLog target for QDeb application.
Everyday diagnostics for every day.
基于.net 5 的微服务开发框架 core mvc 项目扩展,提供配置文件加密功能
Package Description
Qi4CS is aimed to increase coding efficiency and productivity by introducing easily adaptive features from Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Composite Oriented Programming (COP), and Dependency Injection (DI). This is the core package required for all projects using Qi4CS.
Qi4CS Extension: Functional is an extension of Qi4CS.Core that allows ways to parametrize some functionality, which is not part of original API of objects, based on types of such objects. This mapping information can be specified during assembly time and also modified during runtime.
Qi4CS is aimed to increase coding efficiency and productivity by introducing easily adaptive features from Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Composite Oriented Programming (COP), and Dependency Injection (DI). This is the SDK package allowing generating Qi4CS assemblies at runtime.
XBodhi 框架的 Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 扩展。
XBodhi 框架的自动映射实体相关操作
XBodhi 框架的 MEF 框架操作相关
XBodhi 框架的标准通用对象运行时扩展库(Common Object Runtime Extension Library)