Top 20 NuGet Packages

NCmdLiner provides a command line parser with auto documentation capabilities.
A light weight framework that provides implementations of commonly used design patterns for applications using a Domain Driven Design approach.
A NCommon container adapter for Autofac
A NCommon container adapter for Ninject
A NCommon container adapter for StructureMap
A NCommon container adapter for Unity
NCommon data adapter for Db4o
NCommon data adapter for Entity Framework
NCommon extensions for ASP.Net MVC
NCommon extensions for ASP.Net MVC
A simple, lightweight serialization facade for reading and writing CSV files to and from plain-old csharp objects.
A simple, lightweight serialization facade for reading and writing INI files to and from plain-old csharp objects.
A simple, lightweight serialization facade for reading and writing XML files to and from plain-old csharp objects.
Provides extensions to NConsole.Options command line argument parsing.
NContext application component for Unity.
NContract is a design by contract library that lets you write oneliners to verify parameters in constructors and methods instead of using more verbose if statements.
NControl is a Xamarin.Forms wrapper control built around the NGraphics library enabling developers to create custom controls without the need for custom renderers.
Simple single thread hashed timing wheel . It's good at game dev, platform dev.
Simplifies handling global error and exception in .NET appication using uniform handling and dump collection.