Top 20 NuGet Packages

This package contains a plugin for Neo4jClient to show query information in a tab.
Identity implementation for the .Net Core Identity using the Neo4jClient package
Extending the awesome Neo4jClient, provides just the attributes required by Neo4jClient.Extension to allow class libraries to remove dependency on Neo4jClient
Extending the awesome Neo4jClient, provides just the attributes required by Neo4jClient.Extension to allow class libraries to remove dependency on Neo4jClient
Schema management extensions to Neo4jClient. Adds ability to drop all indexes and list all indexes
.NET client for Neo4j Graph Database
Package with Promise extensions to provide Functional Programming style. Inspired in Elemar Jr articles and pluralsight courses.
Package with e-mail sending service using SendGrid.
Package to call identity server services.
Neo create a local base for your aplicatons in format Json.
Package for Precode Integration
Package for Precode integration jobs
Package Description
An EOS library for .NET written in C#
A very minimal .NET library for the PayPal NVP API, supporting .NET 2.0+ and ASP.NET Core.
Calculate, format, or print file sizes; with support for both base 10 (e.g. kilobyte, megabyte, KB, MB) and base 2 (e.g. kibibyte, mebibyte, KiB, MiB) sizes.
Convert any list or IEnumerable to a properly formatted, plain-text list, with support for Oxford commas and different list item separators. Use "using static NeoSmart.TextList;" and call the extension method IEnumerable<T>.ToTextList() to return a string containing the formatted list of items.
Neo Systems .NET Serial port change monitor class
Neo Systems .NET Web utilities