Top 20 NuGet Packages

Ready WinForms dialogs for NCrash - the univerval .NET global error handler
Ready WPF dialogs for NCrash - the univerval .NET global error handler
Networking-with-CSharp Easy to use SuperSocket
基于Log4Net实现日志记录 - 基础开发服务框架
基于EntityFramework实现仓储 - 基础开发服务框架
Visual studio base option dialog.
This is a simple listener of Amazon Dash Button requests. It fires an event when a button in the same network pressed.
Helps create a w3c compliant digital data object for use in cloud tag management tools like adobe DTM
Use a concise syntax to define your database schema, then use it to automatically generate ORM models and a database installation script. Generators currently implemented include LINQ-to-SQL, SQL Server and a Visual Studio project manager. The plugin system allows generators to be created for theore...
An SQL script code generator for NDBGen for use with SQL Server.
NDecision.Aspects provides AOP-driven business logic execution. NDecision is a Fluent decisioning engine written with Behavior Driven Development practices.
Library to wrap NDesk.Options allowing easier use.
An extension to NDesk.Options which promotes defining options seperate from parsing.
NLite Domain Framework 简称NDF, 是一个轻量级的服务分发器框架,该框架以业务逻辑的高内聚,高复用性,高松耦合和便捷的可测试性为宗旨,支持嵌入式和分布式部署, 支持 Mvc,WebForm, Winform等,以NLite组件为基础, 支持服务别名,方法别名,方法重载,方法参数的自动绑定,校验功能和Filter等扩展功能。 NDF和 MVC
NDock is a server application container, which can be used for your back end services' hosting and management.
NDomain is an extensible, fast, powerful framework to help you build robust and scalable .NET applications using Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing and CQRS architectures.
Autofac IoC for NDomain, an extensible DDD CQRS ES framework.
NLog logger for NDomain, an extensible DDD CQRS ES framework.
Serilog logger for NDomain, an extensible DDD CQRS ES framework.