Top 20 NuGet Packages

Additional messaging provider for NanoMessageBus using RabbitMQ messaging infrastructure.
Injectable dependency for serializing and deserializing RabbitMQ Messages using an DeflateStream. Best used with NanoMessageBus.Sender and NanoMessageBus.Receiver package.
Injectable dependency for serializing and deserializing RabbitMQ Messages using MessagePack. Best used with NanoMessageBus.Sender and NanoMessageBus.Receiver package.
Injectable dependency for serializing and deserializing RabbitMQ Messages using Protobuffer. Best used with NanoMessageBus.Sender and NanoMessageBus.Receiver package.
A lightweight RPC framework for .NET built on nanomsg (client side library)
OpenTK3 fork of bitiopia's NanoVG port
A short and sweet REST client
A port of the python Arctic library to DotNet
Helpers to assist with Windows Azure Queue integration and unit testing.
A simple ADO wrapper for Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Azure with async support.
Библиотека для получения расписания преподавателей и групп, а также списка высших школ и преподавателей
Narlang is a markup language that combines programmatic language features with tools for writing prose.
A pack of extension methods which improves your coding experience while using AutoMapper
A pack of extension methods which improves your coding experience while using Castle.Windsor IoC-container
Productivity tool: Extensions, Web Objects, Useful data Models
Productivity tool: Extensions, Web Objects, Useful data Models
Productivity Tool: MongoDb Extensions
Package Description
基于.net core 6的一个websocket中间件框架,支持群聊,所有人,指定用户发送连接,支持用户主动传递连接Id