Top 20 NuGet Packages

Features a MVP framework largely inspired by WebFormsMvp. Contrary to WebFormsMvp, it is not restricted to the WebForms platform; nevertheless, featurewise, it should be on par with it. Samples are available on the project web site.
Currency (ISO 4217) and Money types. Allows for a lot of flexibility, you can express an amount in Decimal or Int64, in major or minor units. The library includes support for formatting, rounding and allocation, customized versions of Sum() and Average() from LINQ w/ or w/o rounding, alternative str...
Enhances the Narvalo.Mvp package with support for ASP.NET WebForms. Samples are available on the project web site.
Provides argument validation methods and Code Contracts helpers.
A .NET standard library to programatically load and save docker volumes from disk
A .NET Wrapper for the Nasa Open APIs
Package Description
Utilities class for .Net including Dynamic property getters/setters, automatic IQueryable searching, LinqToSql shortcuts, FileStream shortcuts, String extensions and more.
A library for multi phase processing
Provides native NETMF Gadgeteer Mainboard classes for GHI Cobra II, Hydra and Raptor
Sistema de ORM Dev+
Sistema de ORM Dev+
Package description
Provides platform types for Android.
Provides a set of classes to help write queries for SQLite.
Package description
Provides generic pointer operations for all of .NET, building on the capabilities provided by FSharp.NativeInterop.NativePtr, which this package extends with features like 64-bit capabilities, exposed in an OOP-friendly manner as NativePtr<T> and extension methods to System.IntPtr. NativeArray, an...
Provides SIMD-accelerated operations (create, init, map, ...) on native arrays provided by the NativeInterop package Note for F# Users: The System.Numerics.Vectors package doesn't work out of the box for F# projects. Make sure to MANUALLY ADD <HintPath>..\packages\System.Numerics.Vectors.4.1.1\lib\...