Top 20 NuGet Packages

Razor view HtmlHelper extensions for Nancy.FlashMessages
NancyFx middleware to host it directly in Kestrel server in ASP.Net Core
IP Locking for Nancy to restrict/allow access from certain IP addresses
Adds fault tolerance to Nancy routes
Adds JSON Patch functionality to Nancy
delivers dynamic content with the speed of static content using asyncronous caching
delivers dynamic content with the speed of static content using asyncronous caching
Simple session store for Nancy using in memory cache
Adds Nancy view location conventions for mobile views suffixed with -mobile
Nancy does not have a way to modify model after the route has been executed. The only option is to modify the serialized form. With this add-in it becomes possible to add custom processing of models once the route has been executed but before the result has been serialized.
Adding the OData URL conventions to Nancy.
Added support for patching models
PictureCut Wrapper for NancyFX framework
Nancy handler and response processor for HTTP Problem Details (RFC 7807)
This library adds support to Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory as a store for RapidCache
This library adds Redis support as a store for RapidCache
MessagePack Response for Nancy
Nancy plugin that makes wiring rollbar up very easy.
AWS DynamoDb persistence for Nancy sessions
Session providers for Nancy web framework. Currently, the MemorySessionProvider supported. SessionStart and SessionEnd events supported.