Top 20 NuGet Packages

Support for injectable actions in views for SuperSimpleViewEngine using TinyIoC
Package Description
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
Library providing Spring Boot's Actuator-like features to a NancyFx application.
Mongo connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.
PostgreSQL connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.
Redis connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.
SQL Server connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.
Nano is a micro web framework for building web-based HTTP services and websites for .NET.
Thin wrapper around Roslyn API to simplify generating C# code.
Tiny in-memory database based on JSON serialization
This package is used to run nanoFTIR spectrometer on Windows platform for .Net Core applications.
This package is used to run nanoFTIR spectrometer on Windows platform for .Net Core applications.
This package is used to run nanoFTIR spectrometer on Windows platform for .Net Core applications.
A tiny IoC container, does exactly what you want, and only that.
Additional logging provider for NanoMessageBus using Log4Net v1.2.10.
Additional serialization provider for NanoMessageBus based on the Newtonsoft Json.NET library.
Additional logging provider for NanoMessageBus using NLog.