Top 20 NuGet Packages

ISMOT Async Helper is a wrapper library for Microsoft's Async Library (CTP). Using this library greatly facilitates asyncrounous calls in Silverlight and Windows Phone projects.
ISMOT Async Helper is a wrapper library for Microsoft's Async Library (CTP). Using this library greatly facilitates asyncrounous calls in Silverlight projects.
A package that enables the use of the async/await pattern with Microsoft's Live Connect SDK on Windows Phone.
A light-weight, async/non-blocking Memcached client for .NET
EventWay is a modular Event Source + CQRS framework.
EventWay is a modular Event Source + CQRS framework.
EventWay is a modular Event Source + CQRS framework.
EventWay is a modular Event Source + CQRS framework.
Adds async mapping support to automapper with a code only package
Repackaged to depend on TaskParallelLibrary.Repackaged, which contains a binary patch to avoid pinvoking into windows DLLs Adds the new C#5 async features for .NET 3.5 projects
This is a Async ContentPage. Now you can await a Page to finish. The AsyncContentPage stops waiting when Result is either true or false.
DeflateStream class with the latest changes from the corefx repositoy: - Native zlib library - Fixed Async API - Flush operation
This Package contains a helper async builder that allow building AsyncEnumerable from Paged datasource and list of tasks
Async Firefox Driver connects directly to Marionette and is async from this connection. No need in geckodriver.exe. AsyncFirefoxDriver implements IAsyncWebBrowserClient interfaces and can be used as AsyncWebDriver.
Adapter to run Selenium tests through AsyncFirefoxDriver