Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
FsAttoparsec is A port of Bryan O'Sullivan's attoparsec from Haskell to F#. This fork is maintained by @haf – just aiming to give timely releases of the software to the community.
Library for observing ObservableCollections.
DependencyResolver static class for holding a dependency injection container and providing additional useful features.
ATZ.DependencyResolver extension package for providing bindings to System static classes.
Control library built on the top of ATZ.MVVM
Control library built on the top of ATZ.MVVM
Library for copying objects based on the name of the properties.
Library for providing filters on ObservableLists.
Library for providing List that can be observed for changes.
Tools for building parsers.
Generic library for extending reflection capabilities of the .NET Framework.
Connect to AudaTarget API
This package contains a sample Scene for handling audio using SoundEmitters, and another one for handling it manually using code.
JavaScript extension that enables parsing and running of JavaScript files to perform functions of Audio Switcher.
AudioDeviceCmdlets is a suite of PowerShell Cmdlets to control audio devices on Windows
Leverage the Audiogum platform to create your own applications.
Inspects mp3 audio streams and searches for texts/words
An Audis library which provides an interface and DTOs for knowledge enrichers.
.NET Object Extension Library