Top 20 NuGet Packages

Integrates the YUI Css and Javascript Compressor with Assman. This tells Assman to use the YUI libraries to minify both javascript and css
Asterisk ARI Client For Asterisk 16
This is a test app
Package Description
This DLL provides a simple method for applications to authorize and authenticate against the astorSafe backend services. Please contact Astoria Solutions ( for any support/documentation requests.
Astral main toolbox
Astral core interfaces and utilites
Astral schema
Astral schema json converter
Astral schema yaml converter
Common components for creating PowerShell binary commands
Common components for creation Workbench toolkits
Adds an asynchronous stream service to a WCF Service Application
Web API exposing the AsTrEAM asynchronous WCF stream service to help setting up a multi-tier architecture.
Collection of libraries for implementing the CQRS pattern on the Azure platform
Class for calling the nasa Astronomy Picture of the Day and Mars rover picture web service
This SDK provides client support for the AstroPayments REST API.
Asura.ApiCommon Service