Top 20 NuGet Packages

ASP.NET Core Library for implementing Url Localization using resource files
A set of DelegatingHandlers for various HttpClient non-interactive authentication scenarii using Open ID Connect.
ASP.NET Core 2.0 security middleware for Strava authentication.
Provides simple structure for using the repository pattern with EntityFramework Core
Provides simple structure for using the repository pattern with EntityFramework Core
This is a common library for AspNetCore.Repository
A Middleware for AspNet-Core-Projects using for Server-Side Request-Logging, providing some basic summaries.
It prevents web sites from having duplicate/multiple URLs in the search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. It can check for appending/removing TrailingSlashes, WWW, and LowerCase URLs. If the URL is not a correct URL, It changes the URL and redirects (301 Moved Permanently) the request to the co...
Provides scale-out support for ASP.NET Core SignalR using an HTTP forwarder to dispatch messages to all server instances.
An ASP.NET Core authentication provider for Slack slash command and interactive component tokens.
An exemplary client implementation of the AspNetCore.TypeSafe library with a SignalR-client.
Server-Components of the AspNetCore.TypeSafe library.
Este pacote oferece ferramentas para serem utilizadas em WebApis, com componentes como ExceptionFilter e uma abstract class Business com métodos de integração com RabitMq e CacheDistribuido
AspNetCore.VersionedAssets allows you to easily version your static assets
AspNetCoreCache is a ASP.NET Core cache wrapper for quick and effective cache usage. It deals with all the hard work for having sourced caches and a cache manager to make life easier.
ASP.NET通用辅助类库适合.net framework 4.5以上版本和.net core2.0版本 通用库含有: FileHelper(文件操作辅助类) JsonHelper(Json解析操作类) Mail(发送电子邮件类) MD5Pwd (MD5加密方法) RegularExpression(正则表达式验证类) RMBCommon(人民币处理类) StringPlusCommon(字符串处理类) TDESHelper(TDES加密类) TimeParserCommon(时间处理类) WebHelper(WEB操作辅助类)
AspNetCoreCompression is an ASP.NET Core compression solution designed to GZip the http responses for all requests which accept GZip encoding.
Enable to use HttpContext.Current on ASP.NET Core applications.
ASP.NET Core QoS is a set of high-performance and highly customizable middlewares that allow to set different limits on requests (quotas, rates, concurrency,...).
ASP.NET Core QoS is a set of high-performance and highly customizable middlewares that allow to set different limits on requests (quotas, rates, concurrency,...).