Top 20 NuGet Packages

Allows the ASP.NET Core dependency injection model to be used with ASP.NET Web Forms using the HttpRuntime.WebObjectActivator introduced in .NET Framework 4.7.2.
baidu abc cloud, asr streaming client sdk
Ce package installe les librairies requises pour émettre ou recevoir des notifications ou des évènements sur le bus de messagerie.
Adds current Git hash to assembly version, so it looks like
A base table manager for Assembly Software Developers
A Loftware control wrapper for Assembly Software Developers
library for performing post-compilation refactorings on .NET assemblies
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection based utility for registering into DI container all public types within an assembly namespace
Library for combining, minification and compressing assets
Unity AssetBundle manipulation library for C#/.NET.
An assets/bundle library, inspired by UABE's AssetsTools. Read and write assets and bundle files from engine versions 5.x and later. For most cases, you'll need the class data file which you can find in the AssetRipper/Tpk repo. See the wiki for usage and examples.
Biblioteca para criação de Certificados Digitais para utilização em assinaturas em documentos.
Biblioteca para manipulação de arquivos PDF. - Assinatura digital de arquivos PDF - Split files por quantidade de páginas ou por um intervalo - Merge files - Compress files
Control authoring extensions for Assisticant
Integrates dotLess with Assman. This allows you to automatically consolidate your .less files in with other .less or .css files
A full featured web resource/asset management framework for ASP.NET Mvc. This edition of the package is targeted at Mvc 2.0
A full featured web resource/asset management framework for ASP.NET Mvc. This edition of the package is targeted at Mvc 3.0