Top 20 NuGet Packages

ASP.NET MVC extensions for the ASP.NET Client Resource Manager
A component-oriented helper methods for transforming a standard ASP.NET MVC project into small components.
Adds HtmlHelper extension methods to correctly serialize dictionaries.
Classes making it easier to work with MVC3 such as a more flexible error handler filter.
This library adds localization support for the convention-based ASP.NET MVC routing system. It is a lightweight and transparent extension for the framework's built-in routing mechanism by translating routes into multiple URLs in different languages, and vice versa.
Adds methods to help serialize complex objects for use in ASP.NET MVC.
simple route table for MVC WebSockets support for MVC
A VirtualPathProvider for ASP.NET MVC4 that allows for usage of embedded resources as virtual files. Virtual directory structure is based on namespaces. Razor views and Web.config are supported.
This package contains SPA scaffolding for C# projects.
This package contains SPA scaffolding for Visual Basic projects.
ASP.NET compiler and bundler for Undersctore.js templates.
Simple to use library for returning custom / vendor media type headers when using Web API. Register types explicitly or by convention with overrides, excludes and required custom interface options. eg. application/vnd.yoursite.customer-v1+json
Utilize DataAnnotations on your ASP.Net Web API models and return your own complex validation models, flattened models or default model state models.
This is a simple class for spinning up an ASP.Net Web API self host. I use it regularly within my test code.
Legacy package, WebMatrix.WebData is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.WebData' package.
This package contains the helper library to enable OAuth and OpenID authentication for ASP.NET Web Pages websites.
ASP.NET WebForms adapter for SimpleInjector and .NET Framework 4.7.2 introduction of dependency injection. Based on MIT licensed code for Unity adapter found at
A ASP.NET Status Board framework, AspNetCore (Full .NET Framework) implementation
Simple async/await helper