NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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jquery.event.drag [3 dependencies]

The plugin works by using standard DOM events, and simulating custom events to create a drag interaction. It simplifies a recurring pattern of event interaction that can be fairly complex to design in a consistent, cross-browser manner. The drag interaction, while simple in most basic form, gets qui...
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Handlebars [3 dependencies]

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Pickles.CommandLine [3 dependencies]

**Pickles** is an open source **living documentation** generator that works on feature files written in the *Gherkin* language, popularized in tools like *Cucumber* and *SpecFlow*. *Pickles* can be incorporated into your build process to produce living documentation in a format that is more...
My package description.
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Menthol [3 dependencies]

ECLI and Menthol implementation
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xBIM PropertySets [3 dependencies]

xBIM PropertySets is part of the xBIM Toolkit that implements buildingSMART schema for property and quantity sets. It can be used to load the descriptive data about properties and/or quantities and create real properties and quantities based on these definitions. This library implements Ifc2...
Quake-style console allowing for in-game user input.
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Nsar.Common.Measure [3 dependencies]

Library for unit of measure and other related fun
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Eria.Std [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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Tree Router [3 dependencies]

A router which maps out path nodes to reduce the number of routes to match, increasing speed.
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dot.Designs [3 dependencies]

Mapbox.Android.Gestures binding for Xamarin.Android
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SimplyFast.Reflection [3 dependencies]

Simple and Fast Reflection
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DoOrSave [3 dependencies]

A simple queue for completing your jobs.
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PlatformApi [3 dependencies]

Cross Platform Api
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C1.UWP.Excel [3 dependencies]

Excel ファイルのオープン、編集、作成を容易に行うための Excel ライブラリです。シートを操作したり、ブックを保存したり、複数の形式にエクスポートしたりできます。