NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Expat XML Parser [3 dependencies]

The Expat XML Parser. Expat homepage:
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EFCache.Redis [3 dependencies]

Extends EFCache by adding Redis support.
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FCP.Util.Async [3 dependencies]

Async Util for FCP(Fluent Compute Platform)
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LamedaL library [3 dependencies]

This is a library of useful methods implemented on .NET Core that will give you a quick start.
Package Description
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AppBrix.Events.Schedule [3 dependencies]

Base module used for registering scheduled events.
A library for reading and writing audio metatags. Fork to support .NetStandard 2.0 was created by Peter Hagen :
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NUnit Portable Agent [3 dependencies]

The NUnit Portable Agent provides an interface that allows test runners to load the NUnit Framework and run tests in an assembly without taking a dependency on a specific version of the framework.
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Diamond.Core [3 dependencies]

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Breeze.Persistence [3 dependencies]

Basic Persistence functionality for any Breeze Server using .NET. Please review the Breeze documentation at Note: Version 7.1+ of this package is for .NET 5, 6, 7, and 8; whereas Version 3.x is for .NET Core 3 and Version 1.x is for .NET Core 2.
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WeShare.WeiXin.Common [3 dependencies]

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Naos.MachineManagement.Ssh [3 dependencies]

Created on 2022-06-01 23:47
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Ultz.Spirit [3 dependencies]

Project Sprit, the successor to SimpleServer, is a project to minimise latency and resource usage in .NET web applications.
NetModular Module CodeGenerator(代码生成) - Application
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Senparc.Weixin.dll [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Xamarin Binding Library - Huawei Agconnect DataStore Annotation SDK. This SDK is a dependency of various Huawei Hms SDKs and is not intended to be used directly.
Package Description
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NEL.AppConfig.Core [3 dependencies]

This is the Core side of the AppConfig package. It should be present in Client and Server package.