NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Framework for enabling time-series data processing services including hosted input, action and output adapter implementations.
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Galactic.ActiveDirectory [3 dependencies]

A fast and robust class library that allows you to easily query and manipulate users, groups, and objects in Active Directory. Note: Not currently supported in Mono.
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Glass [3 dependencies]

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DapperExtensions2 [3 dependencies]

Fork from tmsmith, support dotnet core
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MSBuildGitHash [3 dependencies]

MSBuild targets for compiling a Git repository hash into .NET assemblies.
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Skyward.Api.Popcorn [3 dependencies]

Object dynamic filtering and expansion
Provides convenient access to Windows Azure Storage APIs from Naiad programs.
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Xamarin NumericUpDown control and more.
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Aardvark.Application.Slim [3 dependencies]

Aardvark is an open-source platform for visual computing, real-time graphics and visualization.
Ninject dependency wrapper for use with infrastructure projects
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AntSoa.Client [3 dependencies]

ant client for soa
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ExRam.Gremlinq.Core [3 dependencies]

.NET object-graph-mapper for Apache TinkerPop™ Gremlin enabled databases.
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HFeng.Lusa [3 dependencies]

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Midmid SDK Core [3 dependencies]

Midmid Sdk core components. Contains authorization, Http request and response handlers.
Interface definition to create CAM plugins for Sutro PathWorks.
Package Description
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Handlebars.CSharp [3 dependencies]

Blistering-fast Handlebars.js templates in your .NET application.
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LeanCode.UrlHelper [3 dependencies]

LeanCode Core library
Package Description