NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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RabbitMQ.ServiceModel [3 dependencies]

A WCF Binding for RabbitMQ.
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Topshelf.Autofac [3 dependencies]

Topshelf.Autofac provides extensions to construct your service class from your Autofac IoC container.
Shared components for for Selenium WebDriver extensions.
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2GIS.NuClear.DI.Unity [3 dependencies]

NuClear project dependency injection infrstructore for Microsoft Unity
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Dapper Accelr8or Domain [3 dependencies]

This package contains the Dapper.Accelr8 Domain component.
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TTGSnackbar Xamarin iOS [3 dependencies]

An Android snackbar look a like made for Xamarin iOS
Microsoft Power BI Core Libraries
This package contains a platform-specific native code build of SQLite for use with SQLitePCL.raw. To use this, you need SQLitePCLRaw.core as well as SQLitePCLRaw.provider.e_sqlite3.net45 or similar. Convenience packages are named SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_*.
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Gear.Core.TraceTools [3 dependencies]

Ultimate SAML for ASP.NET and MVC ( is lightweight library and it lets you add support for SSO and SLO OASIS SAML 1.0 and 2.0 to your ASP.NET WebForms and MVC applications. We made it easy for developers to use the library in ASP.NET and .NET Core/Standard t...
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Messaia.Net.MailService [3 dependencies]

Mail Library
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EzFrameworkCore [3 dependencies]

It is based on NETCORE. This is the basic class library of the framework, which mainly provides the basic functional support needed for running. At the same time, it also provides rich tools for web development.
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Cynosura.Core [3 dependencies]

Cynosura Core
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LJH.BO.Excel [3 dependencies]

1、DataTable通过模板方式导出,模板关键格式如 &=[item].filedName; [item]对应 DataTable里面 TableName 2、.netore升级到3.1 12、补充nodejs 等操作
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Dactevird.Library.Net [3 dependencies]

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OmniSharp.Shared [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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CefNet [3 dependencies]

.NET binding for the Chromium Embedded Framework v.105.3.* CEF binary packages are available for download at:
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Furion [3 dependencies]

让 .NET 开发更简单,更通用,更流行。
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Scrima.NET Core [3 dependencies]

OData query parser and executor for .NET Core