NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Crypto [3 dependencies]

CryptoAPI library for using PEM key format in .Net apps. Based on Christian Etter's CryptoAPI wrapper.
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ECommon.JsonNet [3 dependencies]

JSON extension for ECommon.
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Dehydrator.Core [3 dependencies]

This package provides core interfaces and helpers used by Dehydrator. Install this package instead of the main Dehydrator package in Model-only assemblies to reduce coupling.
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Mapgenix.Layers [3 dependencies]

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DotNetty.Codecs-NET40 [3 dependencies]

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Platformus.Routing [3 dependencies]

The Platformus.Routing extension component.
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Olive.Audit [3 dependencies]

Olive Framework
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CDataContextStand [3 dependencies]

.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for Google Play Services library ''.
mesesage queue, service discovery, tenanty-like EF Core query filters. auditing entities, generic repository.
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Kasp.ObjectMapper [3 dependencies]

some tools for fast developing back-end.
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CodeFriendly.Filtering [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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ValueGetter [3 dependencies]

Mini/Easy Object Property Value Getter. More Details in Github Link : [ValueGetter: Mini/Faster Object Property Value Getter. ](
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BlazorFabric.Popup [3 dependencies]

Popup from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
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SoftCircuits.ParsingHelper [3 dependencies]

A .NET class library that makes it easier to parse text. The library tracks the current position within the text, ensures your code never attempts to access a character at an invalid index, and includes many methods that make parsing easier. The library makes your text-parsing code more concise and ...
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Microwave.Logging [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Photo Gallery File Naming
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Smartway.Orm [3 dependencies]

Tiny smartway orm compatible with compact framework
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Cactus.Blade.Configuration [3 dependencies]

Defines a static Config class as a general replacement for the old .NET Framework ConfigurationManager class.
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Leeax.Web.Builders [3 dependencies]

Provides different builders for creating data/values mostly used in the web.