Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Restier is a framework for building convention-based, secure, queryable APIs with ASP.NET. This package contains tools to test Restier services in-memory without having to spin up a dedicated website or IIS. Commonly used types: Microsoft.Restier.Core.RestierController
Unit test framework for Bridge.NET projects. Write tests in C#, run them in JavaScript.
Recipe to Connect Storyteller to Redux Applications
TestServer helper for Mvc
Library with common classes for creation WebApi integration tests
Pask extension that provides test automation functionality with code coverage reports generated by dotCover.
Marquee is an open source, Selenium based, UI Automation library written in F#.
Core Test Steps for BizUnit
Azure Test Steps for BizUnit
A collection of extensions for unit testing projects using xunit and AutoFixture.
A simple .NET library for Windows based on the SharpAvi library and designed for recording video from the screen during NUnit test runs.
Genesis.TestUtil contains utility helpers for tests.
Lightweight .NET component to create simple REST resources for Nancy. Nancy.RestModule decouples the module and the controller.
An implementation of Haskell Doctest for F#.
This package can be used to easily run a unit test project using the .NET Memory Profiler tool NmpCore after the build of a project. It is suitable to be used together with the .NET Memory Profiler API (SciTech.MemProfilerApi), which can be used to perform memory assertions, retrieve memory usage, a...
A package for API testing using a fluent api.
These are tools for use in writing and testing C# code
Strongly-typed attributes for the management and organization of tests.
Provides execution plan testing for Postgres. This allows you to unit test the `CommandBuilder.CommandText` property by actually sending it to the database and running an explain plan.
Unit test stack with Xunit, AutoFixture, NSubstitute and some helpers