Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Managed Fusion Testing Framework contains common mocking senarios that help setup tests
Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert. Ex: 1.ShouldNotBeEqualTo(2)
Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert. Ex: 1.ShouldNotBeEqualTo(2)
Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert. Ex: 1.ShouldNotBeEqualTo(2)
Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert. Ex: 1.ShouldNotBeEqualTo(2)
Extensions for ExpectedObjects library.
Enables unit testing of applications that use MongoDB official driver by providing interfaces and proxy classes for key types such as MongoDatabase, MongoServer, MongoCursor and MongoCollection.
Provides xUnit extensions for HTML files or data.
Remove the ceremony from your test classes. Easily mock your dependencies using the testable pattern. AutoWrockTestable is an adaptation of Richard Cirerol's AutoMocking wrapper that uses StructureMap's AutoMocking assembly along with the popular MOQ mocking toolset to make it easy to test classes a...
Provides xUnit extensions for XML files or data.
Utility classes to make it easier to test first. Currently contains: - RandomDataHelper - Rob Connery's TestBase
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Naresh Scaler provides a simple framework to run your Selenium C# WebDriver integration tests automatically using Firefox, Chrome and IE. Just install it into an empty C# class library, and look at the sample class provided to see how it works. Named in honour of Huzutech's QA maestro Naresh Deeko...
Provides xUnit extensions for data files, including CSV (comma-separated) and TSV (tab-separated).
Machine.Specifications.Mvc is a set of extensions for testing ASP.Net MVC specific types. It aims to ease the testing of ActionResult objects returned from MVC Controllers by providing an Machine.Specifications (MSpec) BDD syntax over these types.
SlickTL is a library that can be used to help with creation of mstest test cases. It adds ini config parsing (from the fabulous Nini project), and it adds configuration of logging. Also included are slick specific pieces like annotations, and test steps for adding data to slick.
An NUnit wrapper for the Given BDD framework
Fluent Assertions extensions for ASP.NET MVC 3.
Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing interfaces for commonly used mapping techniques.