Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Aurelia Testing (aurelia-testing) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Sometimes in automation tests we need to validate work of methods, returning very complex objects as a result. We want to be sure, that these objects have correct structure. Common assertion libraries allow us to check our expectation about simple objects (strings, numbers), and collections of objec...
Auto testing with SpecFlow and Selenium
Xunit console runner for executing tests in the same domain as the Starcounter database
Utilities for approval testing Windows Forms. Allows screenshot verification of Windows Forms. For example: WinFormsApprovals.Verify(new Button { BackColor = Color.LightBlue, Text = "Help" });
Utilities for approval testing Rdlc Reports. Allows Rdlc image verification and utilities to populate datasets. For example: RdlcApprovals.VerifyReport("YourReport.rdlc", new YourDataTable().AddTestDataRows(1));
A collection of assertions, tailored for Tiger libraries. (As source.)
Interfaces used to configure the TestHelper from other projects
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with - fluent assertions that are easy to extend - sharp error messages - tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on - AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc or WebApi Contexts - HttpClient - Ado.Net - Streams & Logging TestBase.Mvc is renamed ...
Helpers to perform .config file XML transformations, and to test the resulting transformed XML (or actually any XML, whether it's .config format or not).
.NET Unit test helpers for validation with DataAnnotations
Extensions and helpers to make unit testing with NUnit a little easier
Create multiple pages with realistic test content by just using the Umbraco interface
Gulp Nunit Runner (gulp-nunit-runner) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Rx Lite Testing (rx-lite-testing) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Extensions and helpers for NSubstitute
Enumerations tests framework is provided as an NUnit based framework sufficient to exercise the majority of boilerplate issues concerning both Ordinal as well as Bitwise Enumerations.
Ludicrously lightweight dependency wrapper/provider to improve testability of classes that use dependencies that aren't easily mockable (e.g. System.DateTime).