Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Depedency Resolver and extension methods to integrate Unity to a WebApi project
Extensions for ModuleInject that provides dynamic proxies.
DALs.Core gives a lightweight, flexible and mockable interface for database sproc access, resutful calls and more.
Simple, header only, no dependency unit testing library with an emphasis on being clean and easy to use.
Unity is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container. This package is a Unity bootstrapper for ASP.NET MVC. VB.NET
Simple, header only, no dependency, cross platform logging library with an emphasis on being clean and easy to use. Supports console and file logging.
Simple, header only, no dependency, cross platform command line handling library with an emphasis on being clean and easy to use.
An attribute-based injection of Android resources, views and event handlers.
Integrates CommonProvider to Castle Windsor Ioc for resolving dependencies.
Integrate Castle windsor to owin.
Do you need a service locator with automated dependency injection support? No need for heavyweight IoC Containers with so many options and functionalities? This libary provides exactly this!!!
This library contains the patching attributes for the Patchwork assembly modification framework. You must reference this library from your patch assembly.
A metrics output system for collecting data for analytics.
CoIoC is an IoC container.
Provides simple configuration to allow substituting Castle.Windsor components during tests.
DI support for Asp.Net Mvc ControllerFactory
An AOP framework that can intercept any method call: instance or static, virtual or not. It's very easy to get started with, it has in-depth support of LINQ and comes with bunch of useful stock aspect classes for DAL, BL, Testing and Service tiers.
Windsor Implementation of the "Dependency Injection" pattern for Cortoxa Framework. Cortoxa Framework is a Powerful Framework for faster and easier building .Net applications based on Dependency Injection patterns. Contains implementation of common "Design Patterns".
EnergyTrading extensions for Unity container