Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

If you are in love with a lean ConfigureService method into your startup class but you ahve tons of packages/services to register, that's your solution.
A simple dependency injection container with focus on the bare necessities.
Scan and register implementation of interface automatically or based on attributes
KVR Injection Tests
Task Parallel Library for Unity (.NET 3.5)
Asmodat Bouncy Castle .NET Standard - Clean Fork of Bouncy Castle
Provides an Autofac module to simplify the registration of components in IoC For MySQL
Lean token extensions for issuing/validating tokens, automatically creating a private key and creating password salts. This package provides JWT Bearer Token support.
Tool to monitor dependency and framework versions for .NET Core
Tool to monitor dependency and framework versions for .NET Frameworks
The configurable application host. Provides simple and flexible Xml configuration for UnityContainer.
Some extensions to ease development of gRPC services in .NET
Abstractions of IOC container and service locator for bootstrapping applications.
A simple, unambitious, convention-based configuration injector for .net with support for AspNetCore using IConfiguration (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration)