Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Interface for the wrapper of inversion of control - Add-in X
A simple, easy to use asynchronous messaging framework for .NET.
The Pandora.IoC Library provides basic IoC interfaces for general tasks that otherwise lack them.
An Unity-based type resolver for Postie
Logging of method's executions in aspect approach for types registered in Windsor container
Dependency injection that allows assemblies to be loaded during runtime
ServiceStack.Funq.Quartz allows an easy registration of all Quartz Jobs within ServiceStack's Funq container. This allows for dependency injection within any Quartz Job.
Asp.Net WebApi specific configuration of Container4AspNet.
Asp.Net MVC specific configuration of Container4AspNet.
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions. This packages provides inegration with Owin.
Cheers ServiceLocator contracts
Configures packages using Ioc.Modules with the Autofac builder
Typed Asynchronous RPC Layer for Photon Server. This package is for realtime server implementation.
Typed Asynchronous RPC Layer for Photon Server. This package is for .NET client implementation.
Tang is a dependency injection framework
Integrate Castle core logging to owin.
IoC in the dark: Made Easy!
Creates a Windsor dependency scope per OWIN WebAPI request allowing to use a per request lifestyle component registration in a self-host environment.