Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Xamarin binding for Starscream: websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
Xamarin binding for numbers-java: a Java implementation of arbitrary-precision arithmetic classes
XCore - Notification Service component for Xamarin iOS
A simple Xamarin.Forms view to display video as background.
The Intercom Xamarin SDK, for integrating Intercom into your Xamarin iOS application.
Fully featured async ICommand implementation with builder methods.
Project with essential classes that can help with the development of a Xamarin.Forms app.
Web Atoms for Xamarin Forms, Hot Reloading of Live Apps with TypeScript and TSX
Plugin Description
Package Description
Xamariners.UnitTests.Xamarin is a library to help unit test for Xamarin using Specflow and using Gherkin Language.
.NET Bindings for TensorFlow
Contador de ticks (1 segundo) para Xamarin Forms Llama a TickImplementation.Init(); en todas las plataformas Uso: CrossTick.Tick += (tick, args) => { // logica }; CrossTick.Start(); CrossTick.Stop();
Egloo (formerly EglCore) is a simple and lightweight framework for OpenGL ES drawing and EGL management in Android that uses object-oriented components - hence the name Egloo. It can serve as a basis for complex drawing operations, but is mostly designed for helping in making common tasks simpler, e...
Hardware-accelerated video transcoding using Android MediaCodec APIs, without native code (no FFMPEG patent issues). Supports cropping to any dimension, concatenation, clipping, audio processing, video speed and much more
AVAssetExportSession drop-in replacement with customizable audio & video settings. You want the ease of use of AVAssetExportSession but default provided presets doesn't fit your needs? You then began to read documentation for AVAssetWriter, AVAssetWriterInput, AVAssetReader, AVAssetReaderVideoCo...