Top 20 NuGet wp7 Packages

WP7Contrib caching assemblies. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Caching.dll WP7Contrib.Common.dll WP7Contrib.Collections.dll WP7Contrib.Logging.dll
WP7Contrib core assemblies. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Common.dll WP7Contrib.Collections.dll WP7Contrib.Diagnostics.dll WP7Contrib.Logging.dll
WP7Contrib messaging extensions for MVVM light framework, contains custom implementations of MVVM light messenger classes. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Messaging.dll
Class library project package. Provides a SpecFlow testing framework for Windows Phone apps within the emulator.
Provides Transitions between page navigations in Phoenix using the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone Transitions. This extension is needed for WP7 only, Phoenix for .NET has transitions built in.
Yandex Maps control. See samples at
A control that mimics the behaviour of the Email app's reply/reply all/forward menu.
This package contains several handy controls that Matthijs Krempel has developed during his career as a profesional Windows Phone 7 developer. Includes; * HTMLTextBlock * DelayLoadImage * Multibinding * WebBrowserHelper * RearrangeListbox * PullToRefreshPanel * Turnstile transition * Continuum tran...
Hoppio is a different of hosting solution for your mobile apps. Instead of having to take on the thankless job of making sure your backend servers scale to meet the demands of your growing app, and not to mention the security and cost concerns of managing and deploying your own backend. That is why ...
An MVVM+Controller implementation for WPF & WP7, giving all the goodness of MVVM while introducing a controller to make it easier to write better apps easier. Supporting type safe navigation, MVVM, wp7 lifecycle/tombstoning and much more!
Helps you get started with Phoenix with a new project. This package will create a default controller, shell, and a view to save you from doing it!
LEGACY PACKAGE - Use GoogleAnalyticsTracker.WP7 or GoogleAnalyticsTRacker.WP8 instead - GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.
Softbuild.Media is WriteableBitmap effector and utilities for Windows Phone 7.1/Windows store apps projects.
This project enables the on-demand loading of external assemblies when creating a Windows Phone app using Caliburn.Micro.
Simple Bayeux protocol implementation for variety of .NET platforms.
WhatsNew is a class that can be added to Windows Phone projects, and which can be used to notify users of any feature updates.
AgFx is a data caching framework that makes it easy to build data-connected Windows Phone applications.
Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods for Silverlight Unit Test Framework. This provides only single .cs file.
The Scrypt (Silverlight Cryptography) library adds RSA Encryption, Decryption, Signing and Verification for Silverlight and Windows Phone 7. Key generation is performed asynchrounously so as not to block your UI. This library has been used successfully in Windows Phone 7 apps offered through AppHub....