Top 20 NuGet wp7 Packages
Extention to String class that makes it easier to do some commons jobs as remove accents or diacritics and make comparisons (Equals, Contains, Startswith, etc...) ignoring case, accents or diacritics. Works on windows phone.
Newport is a library providing building blocks for Windows Phone and Windows Store App development.
It offers an MVVM framework, attached properties for existing controls and a set of custom controls.
Custom control for toast notifications in Windows 8, Windows Phone & WPF applications. This control is similar to a toast notification but it's not. You can set duration, style, logo, text & animation of the notification.
Animations: LeftToLeft, LeftToRight, RightToLeft, RIghtToRight, Vertical, Rot...
"The WriteableBitmapEx library extensions."
** This is a repackage of the third party Wpf project for use with ThinkGeo's Map Suite product line. **
** You should not need to reference this package directly, it will be a dependency of other ThinkGeo packages. **
The purpose of the repackage is to...
.NET Event Client for the Windows Phone 7
Controls, components and utilities for your next WP7 Application
DynamicLocalhost will add a single .cs file to your project that allows multiple developers to easily debug Windows Phone apps on a local IIS service by replacing 'localhost' with their full machine name
Simple library for enabling orientation changes animation for Windows Phone 7 Applications.
A library for small helpful classes I use across multiple Windows Phone projects
Northern Lights WP7 Toolkit contains some common tools for WP7 Developers.
The complete nRoute package for WPF, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7.X.
The a subset of the nRoute Framework for WPF, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7.X.
Usage sample for the Response.MVVM package.
ReviewBugger is a class that can be added to Windows Phone projects and can be used to bug app users to leave you reviews and rate your app on the Marketplace.
Control which automatically generates a UI for settings used with the SettingsProvider
Some essential controls, which are not available in other frameworks
a collection of wp7 helper classes which make it simpler to write tests for wp7
An MVC + MVVM implementation for windows phone 7, supporting type safe navigation, MVVM, wp7 lifecycle/tombstoning and much more!
An MVC + MVVM implementation for windows phone 7, supporting type safe navigation, MVVM, wp7 lifecycle/tombstoning and much more! This package only contains the libraries, no default controllers, views, viewmodels, or instructions