Top 20 NuGet workflow Packages
Provides support to persist workflows running on Workflow Core to a SQL Server database.
Workfow Server is a ready-to-use Workflow Engine-based application that you can deploy into your infrastructure. It can be integrated with NodeJS, PHP, Ruby, .NET, or Java applications via a REST API. Workflow Server is a key component for managing the lifecycle of business objects within your enter...
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Twilio Plugin
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Files Plugin
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Files Plugin
Provides web-based rule management of Code Effects 5.x business rules engine on .NET Core platform version 2.0 and up
MindFusion.Diagramming adds to applications the ability to create and present flowchart and process diagrams, workflow and data flow charts, database entity-relationship diagrams, organizational and classification charts, hierarchy and relationship diagrams, networks, graphs, trees, and more.
The b...
Provides support to persist workflows running on Workflow Core to a Sqlite database.
Queue provider for Workflow-core using RabbitMQ
Provides useful extension methods, alternate Task based API and activities.
NLog Library for Banzai
The MSSQL provider for DWKit.
DWKit is a .NET Core BPM system made with simplicity and flexibility in mind. DWKit allows you to model, automate and execute mission-critical business processes.
Contains dlls for Redis Persistence Provider: DbPersistenceProvider which implements interface IPersistenceProvider,
DbSchemePersistenceProvider which implements interface ISchemePersistenceProvider,
DbXmlWorkflowGenerator which implements interface IWorkflowGenerator.
Steps for w...
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Telegram Plugin
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Twilio Plugin
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Telegram Plugin
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Slack Plugin
Contains dlls WorkflowEngine.NET Nexmo Plugin
Provides extensions for Workflow Core to enable human workflows.
Provides the rule evaluation part of the Code Effects 5.x business rules engine. This is a TRIAL VERSION that delays all calls to Evaluate() and Filter() methods for 6 seconds. Visit for details on full version.