Top 20 NuGet window Packages

A managed game window using DirectX.
Simple console library consisting of ProgressBar, Window, Form, Draw and MockConsole.
Window Or Global (window-or-global) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
DMSkin for WPF,无边框窗体解决方案,基于WPF的UI框架 支持:.NET Framework 3.5 - 4.7 支持:Windows XP - Windows 10
Mina UI is user controls for window form and animation component help you to make a marvel UI for your applications
Process.NET is a C# class library to interact with processes. Please see the project page for more details.
Windows Form用罫線テーブル作成ヘルパー
This project is based on the RF24 Arduino driver from maniacbug ( and the nRF24L01Plus .NETMF driver from JohnMasen (
Electron Window State (electron-window-state) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Window Size (window-size) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Features and functionality complementing MVVM Dialogs
Snazzy Info Window (snazzy-info-window) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Just a simple flat, borderless WPF window with all expected behavior.
This is an example of roslyn analyzer, that can create diagnostics when there are missing some usings, that are required for using debugging data transformation via lambdas and Linqs in Watch or Immediate windows. Because Microsoft still haven't added support for post-loading libraries like System....
Extension methods for object-object or dictionary-object or datatable-object mapping, single item mapping use [ item.Apply(()=>new { .. }); ],multiple array items mapping use [ items.Apply(a=>new { .. }); ]. Extension methods for SQL Window Function in Linq, use [ items.GroupBy(a =>...).AsPartition(...
Control a Window in Windows!
A library for working with Windows 10, April 2018 Update's addition of per-directory case sensitivity.
DMSkin.Core WPF MVVM 框架 支持.NET Framework 4.5 +