Top 20 NuGet webservice Packages

web services proxy for ARES services
Biblioteca para integração de pagamento via Webservice com a operadora de cartões Cielo. A documentação completa pode ser acessada pelo endereço:
Package Description
Package Description
This package is required for securing a .net framework WebService/WebAPI application using VisualGuard. Note: Please make sure you are using the same nuget package versions for your applications as of VisualGuard WinConsole. If you have the Visual-Guard WinConsole Runtime version '2024....
This package is required for securing a .net Core Web application using VisualGuard. About VisualGuard: Visual Guard is a modular solution, which covers most application security requirements, from application-level security systems to Corporate Identity and Access Management Solutions....
Библиотека с шагами работы с веб-сервисами
.NET library for
This package contains the required metadata to create a SOAP client that consumes a web service. Used along with Quicklight.Web it allows for the creation of Rich Internet Applications. See for further details
WCF Integration for DContainer
Nonocast.Http is a free, open source developer focused web service via http for small and medium software.
Nano is a micro web framework for building web-based HTTP services and websites for .NET.
The core of RestLess, the automatic type-safe REST API client library for .Net Standard
The automatic type-safe REST API client library for .Net Standard
Modern HTTP web services made easy.