Top 20 NuGet versioning Packages
This is a .NET Framework enhancement framework. Main features are Versioning,
Finance, Currency, Foreign Exchange, Money, Pricing strategy, Telemetry, Composite Weighted
Progress, Repository and Unity of Wok pattern implementation with Entity Framework Core,
Network Connectivity Se...
Derives SemVer information from a repository following GitFlow or GitHubFlow. This is the .NET Core Global Tool allowing usage of GitVersion from command line.
Stamps your assemblies with semver 2.0 compliant git commit specific version information and provides NuGet versioning information as well.
Access commit information from MSBuild and C#/F#/VB code, and infer SemVer from branch, tag or version file in Git repository.
> This project uses SponsorLink to attribute sponsor status (direct, indirect or implicit). For IDE usage, sponsor status is required.
> IDE-only warnings will ...
Stamps an assembly with git information based on SemVer.
Derives SemVer information from a repository following GitFlow or GitHubFlow.
A .NET Core Tool that can install, read and set version information based on git history, using Nerdbank.GitVersioning.
A service API versioning library for Microsoft ASP.NET Web API and OData v4.0.
A service API versioning library for Microsoft ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core MVC API explorer functionality for discovering metadata such as the list of API-versioned controllers and actions, and their URLs and allowed HTTP methods.
A service API versioning library for Microsoft ASP.NET Web API.
The API Explorer for Microsoft ASP.NET Web API Versioning.
A service API versioning library for Microsoft ASP.NET Core and OData v4.0.
The API Explorer for Microsoft ASP.NET Core and OData v4.0.
Stamps an assembly with git information based on SemVer.
NuGet's implementation of Semantic Versioning.
Derives SemVer information from a repository following GitFlow or GitHubFlow. This is the Core library which both GitVersion cli and Task use allowing programatic usage of GitVersion.
Automatic versioning and CHANGELOG generation, using conventional commit messages.
Semi-automatic SemVer2 semantic versioning for .NET and MSBuild

Curiosity.Migrations is a migration framework that uses SQL scripts and code migration to alter your database schema or seed a data.
Without migrations you need to create a lots of sql scripts that have to be run manually by every developer involved. Migrations solve the problem of evolving a database schema for multiple databases (for example, the developer's local database, the test database and the production database).